Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday ~

Friday I dressed up a bit and took pictures with friends ~

I decided to wear a dress XD

I was wearing my purple contacts but they look kind of brown =.='''

Kinda blurry pictures because of lighting but I still like them..

Abi had her gray contacts in ~

Jess was poppin' in our picture O:

Kalli Kala Rachel and I :D

I made Samantha take a picture with me because she's just so friggin' cute!

Aannd Nik and I in chemistry ♥

It was a super busy week ! I had work last sunday, novus on monday and wednesday, premiere on tuesday, date with Nik on Wednesday, voice lessons with Abi and Kati on thrusday, a sleep over that I'll have pictures of soon, shopping with Abi and Nik and a dinner date with Nik and then work today. BWAH.